jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021

My future job!

Hello everyone, I hope you're well, today I must talk about my future job.

My dream is to be able to work in pharmacological company, being able to make veterinary medicines, creating chemical formulas whit pharmacological effects ins animals or directly in the sale and supervision of the creation of medicines. I imagine myself inside a cold place, with machines working, and with white light. I would like to be able to travel for my work because I would be doing what I like the most, being able to help animals in a pharmacological way.  

I'm studying chemistry and pharmacy, because I always liked chemestry and I was always very good at it. My dream was to study veterinary medicine, but the conditions that this career delivered economically was a mockery  for professionals, so I decided to study chemistry and pharmacy thinking that at some point I could work in a laboratory where veterinary medicines are made to support in some war the work of the veterinarian.
I hope you're well, best regards!.

lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2021

My childhood series!

 Hello everyone, I hope you're well.

Today I must talk about some series from my childhood. The truth is that my tastes were very varied and I could even continue watching cartoons to this day.

Some of the cartoon series I used to watch were "los padrinos mágicos", "phineas y ferb", "brandy y el señor bigotes", "jake long el dragón occidental", "pucca", etc. The firts series was one of my favorites, I always watched it in the mornings before going to school. It was very entertaining, funny, it made my mornings happy. I think most of you have seen that series but it was about a boy who had "fairies" that fulfilled his wishes, there were always problems with his nanny and there always a lesson to be learned. 

But I think what I whatched the most as a child was the national geographic series, I always saw the animals the showed and followed their stories. But one of my favorites was zoboomafoo, they showed many animals and taught about them, I love it. 

I hope you were able to watch some of these series, because they were really funny!!


Changes in Chemistry and pharmacy career!

Hello, I hope you're well, The truth is that I had never thought about this topic, what changes would it make to the chemistry and pharm...