miércoles, 12 de enero de 2022

Changes in Chemistry and pharmacy career!

Hello, I hope you're well, The truth is that I had never thought about this topic, what changes would it make to the chemistry and pharmacy career?... 

I always thought that from the beginning we would see things related to drugs, but the truth is that being the introductory branches until the semester I'm in, there is very little talk of these, only some chemical formulas or certain substances that have effects on the body are mentioned, but in a very isolated way, it should start from the beginning naming the different drugs so we get used as students to the working life we will have. 

The truth is that I would love to have even more experimental courses, because in the end, mane of us will dedicate ourselves to that, maybe we could reduce the load of the complementary branches and increase the number of laboratory courses, so that we have more practice in that area.
Regarding the workload in chemistry and pharmacy, I feel that it's optimal, although sometimes when much more is demanded than other universities, but I belive that this will make us better preofessionals!.

I feel that the teaching methods are optimal, although whit the pandemic, the "magic" of certain branches was lost, for example laboratory techniques, where there were hours where it was "imagined" to be done in laboratories, but I hope that this will improve for the next generations.

So far I have no more comments on what to change in the career or in the university, I feel it's necesary and optimal.
Thanks for reading!. 

jueves, 6 de enero de 2022

travel to the future!

 Hi, today I need to talk about time travel.

The truth is that i'm more a fan of talking about travel to the past, but about the future I can say that it's also very interesting.

I would like to go the year 2043 or so and see myself, find out what I'm doing, if I have a family of my own, if my family is still alive, if technology has increased, see what house I have, if the earth is still polluted, etc. I would like to go to that year where I'm living at that time, because then I could see if I will really achieve the things I planned in my youth. It would be pretty crazy to be able to change history if I haven't accomplished anything I've wanted to.

I would like to go on that date, when I'm about 40 years old, wich is an age where you're older, mature and have most things figured out.

I don't know if I would like to stay there, since, as I said before, it would only be to see how my family is doing, what I do for a living, if I have dogs, if I have accomplished my goals, etc. It would just be to investigate. Also, they say the staying in the future or past and you see yourself can generate a problem in space and time, netflix and its theories hahaha.

thanks for reading.

Changes in Chemistry and pharmacy career!

Hello, I hope you're well, The truth is that I had never thought about this topic, what changes would it make to the chemistry and pharm...